Electronic Security Handle. Protect your assets throughout the day - the key to indoor security.
It Only Takes Seconds.
That’s how long it takes a thief to steal your personal belongings, confidential information or a laptop. In less time, you can activate Code-It and its automatic locking mechanism to reduce the risk of theft.
Mul-T-Lock's Code-It® Door is a handle with a built-in code lock. It is battery-powered, so no wiring is needed. You can fit it in just a few minutes since everything is housed inside the handle. There is no need to modify the door, so you can easily move the handle if needed.
Typical applications are office doors, doors separating a shop and warehouse/staff space, or meeting/consultation rooms. Such doors are otherwise often left unlocked for convenience, or because a traditional code lock is expensive, requires extensive installation, or is not aesthetically appealing.
Easy and comfortable use for frequent entering and exiting
Simple operation: 4 to 6 digit code
Quick and easy installation: securely fixed from the inside of the door preventing disassembly from the outside
Compatible with most locking/latching products
Easily replaces most existing handle types
Does not require an electrical outlet
Low-cost maintenance: up to 30,000 entries per pair of batteries
For indoor use in office or home
Locks only from outside, door opens freely from inside the room
Up to 9 separate access codes for different users
Indication light for activation, deactivation and battery life
2 operating modes:
o Automatic locking: by just closing the door, with no need for a key
o Manual locking: with the push of a button
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